Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Amazing daughter!

I am always so impressed by our oldest, Kayley. Here's why... The other day all 6 kids and I went to the dollar store looking for those fun little magnetic balls. We couldn't find any so we headed back to the van. Eric sat right behind Korrynn in our Big Red Van and started kicking the back of her seat which, of course, made her pretty mad. I warned him to stop and then started backing up. Well, he did it again so I slammed on the brakes and jerked to a stop and warned him to stop AGAIN. Apparantly when I slammed on the brakes, Kayley was putting a water bottle up to take a drink and it splashed right onto her face. (he he) When I looked back at her she was just looking straight ahead with a slight frown and water dripping down her cheeks- she didn't even wipe the water off her face. I couldn't help it and burst out laughing. She was trying so hard to keep a straight face, but couldn't hold it and started laughing too and then said "Mom, is that really the only way you could have handled that situation?!" and started laughing again. What a great example to me!


Julie said...

You need a button that says "Like". Cuz I "Like" this story.

Cherie's Sewing Corner said...

I remember those days!

Jennica said...

This made me laugh out loud. I LOVE her!